Your Body

Eat Less, Dance More!

Could it be that simple? Simple not really but think about it. If you eat less food and you dance, or swim or exercise more, something good is bound to happen. Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain and the results are that you feel better, physically, spiritually and emotionally (and yes you may lose some weight too!!). Who doesn’t want to feel better? The problem is that it sometimes takes some work so why not do something fun, that you enjoy, then you don’t feel like you are working.  Dancing is a fun activity that anybody can learn but if that doesn’t work for you how about biking, or hiking or just plain walking?

I see people every day who want to feel better than they are feeling right now. Clearly those who take the suggestions start to feel better and although they love the feeling sometimes it doesn’t last. That’s because it does take a concerted effort to stay on track. To work out often, to avoid unhealthy (although convenient) foods, to talk about the things that are bothering you. In my practice I see a lot of unhappiness but I also see a great deal of emotional growth and recovery, from addiction, from depression, from infidelity, from adolescence  (for the teen and for the parent).

I always suggest fitting some kind of physical activity into your life and preferably something fun. There are all kinds of classes to take from dance to yoga to tennis to golf. If you’re saying they cost money and you can’t do that right now then go take a walk it’s free.  Find someone to walk with and that will make it even more enjoyable.

Physical activity, whether it be dancing, hiking, swimming, walking or one of the many other possibilities, is probably the best anti-depressant that there is. I would always suggest alternate routes before medications. But there are absolutely times when medicine is clearly indicated and can make a tremendous difference. I can think of a person who after a short time on medication said that they felt a “black cloud” had been lifted. What an amazing feeling that must have been. Living with depression can be debilitating but recovery can be amazing and can turn your life around.